Container Transport

Our professionals at Hooymeijer Container Transport and VVT Europe drive containers to and from any desired destination.

The port of Rotterdam holds no secrets for John.

He knows it like the back of his hand. In addition, he and his colleagues drive to other European ports and destinations just as easily.

Adriaan, for example, travels from one corner of Europe to another all week long. Under the flag of VVT Europe, he collects and brings containers from east to west and from north to south. All these transports take place under AEO certification and, if desired, under TAPA standards.

Besides the correct and timely transport of the containers, our professionals have a lot of other responsibilities. For example, they take their own safety and that of their fellow road users very seriously. This includes the use of top-quality materials that meet the most modern requirements. We are a participant in Lean & Green Logistics, so our men drive with care for the environment. And last but not least, of course they comply with the laws and regulations.

Our men do this expertly and with pleasure.

And last but not least, of course they comply with the laws and regulations.

We are certified for

  • Member of TLN
  • Member of TAPA
  • Member of NDL/HIDC
  • Certified by Ecostars