- B/L ›
- Backletter ›
- BAF ›
- Bale capacity ›
- Ballast ›
- Bare hull chartering ›
- Bareboat charter ›
- Barge ›
- Barge Aboard Catamaran ›
- BBB ›
- Before Breaking Bulk ›
- BESC ›
- BICS ›
- Bill of lading ›
- Binding Tariff Information ›
- Blauwe Steen ›
- Block pallet ›
- Bolt seals ›
- Bordereau de Suivi des Cargaisons ›
- Bordereau Electronique de Suivi des Cargaisons ›
- Break bulk ›
- Broker ›
- Brokerage ›
- BSC ›
- BTI ›
- BTW ›
- BUC ›
- Bulkhead ›
- Bundling ›
- Bunker Adjustment Factor ›
- Bunker Contribution ›
Technical terms explained
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We do our best to keep the technical terms as up to date and complete as possible, but it is possible that some terms are missing. Is the term you are looking for not on the list? Ask Dennis!